Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Practicing God's Presence.

So I am being challenged.
My faith, personally, as a wife, a friend, a sister, daughter & leader.

I have so many questions.
I am not really even sure where to start.

You see, just this morning I was talking with the mother of one of guitar students.
We were talking about the time we spend with God.
How difficult it is at times to make sure we find time to spend with him.
I don't want to "FIND" time. I want God to be in everything I do, say, think, act.

3 years ago, before I was married, it seemed easy to just go to my room, shut the door, pray, read, worship God. I had my space to go and spend time with Him.
Then I got married, moved in with my husband...
his family.
Now it's fine that I got married. I love my husband. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else, but here is what I am getting at.

Now I am sharing a room with my husband.
Not a big deal, because I will just find somewhere else in the house...
oh wait...
I can't.
Because the rest of the house is inhabited by my husband's family.

Now I am not saying it's their fault, it's just that when I moved into the Strantz house, I lost my special time with God, because I had no where to go anymore.
I couldn't just shut the door and be alone.
For the past 3 years, I've been trying to figure out how to be "ALONE" with God, so I could grow stronger in my walk with Him.

I have to admit, it hasn't been the most successful.
In fact I rarely feel like it has happened.
But what God has taught me is this.

Take all the moments you have and make them "God's time."
That is all I can do.

I started praying, worshiping in the car.
In the shower.

I admit though that I do not, and I repeat DO NOT, have this mastered. I never will.

As Brother Lawrence says:
"Neither skill, nor knowledge is needed to go to God. All that is necessary is a heart dedicated entirely and solely to Him, out of love for Him above all others."

I just want to love God in everything I do.
I want to be in His presence, everyday, everywhere I go. I want my heart to be his!!!

Here all these years I have been trying to reinvent my "ALONE" time with God.
And I am now realizing that, ALL the time, in my day belongs to him.

So what does that mean.
The decisions I make.
What I say when I wake up,
what I think through out the day.
How I dress, how I eat, how I work, how I treat my husband, my family, his family, friends, people in general...
it all needs to be for God, his glory, his purpose.

Spending time with God, needs to be something I do all the time.
I desire to be in God's presence always.

Just thinking about this, makes me feel so grateful for God's grace.

In doing this,
I will change, I will be more like Him!
This helps me in every way...
even when I am challenged as a wife, daughter, sister, friend, leader.

I have hope.
In Christ.
and in Him alone!


Paul Baldwin said...

Good thoughts. Great struggle. Necessary tension in the heart that pulls us back into a presence-focused existence. Thanks for the encouragement! Paul

Melissa said...

I love you and miss you so.