Thursday, April 17, 2008


So here is a little story about my friend Elaina.
I met her at Kohl's.
We both were EMR (early morning replenishment) so we worked together very closely for 6 months before I took the internship at River Valley. We both had starting working around the same time, so we become friends almost immediately, both feeling a little awkward around EMR veterans since we we were new.
As I got to know the people I worked with at Kohl's I started to share my beliefs, here and there, and I made sure that my actions reflected Christ.
As Elaina and I hung out more at work  I shared more of my faith with her, one on one,  and she told me that she liked what I believed and she was considering becoming a Christian. Elaina's parents grew up in two different faiths, so it was hard for her when she was growing up not really knowing which faith she should be part of.
Her dad was Catholic, her mom protestant.
Elaina, has always had a faith in God, but over the past year I have had the privilege of watching her grow.
God did amazing things between the two of us as we worked at Kohl's. I starting praying with her during our lunch breaks, and we would call each other on the phone and talk for hours.
We began to invite each other over to our houses, go out on coffee dates. She had questions about what I believed, I had questions about what she believed and we always had respect for each others opinions and beliefs.

I invited her to church a few times, and she loved it!
I remember the day we came home from church, she told me how the songs we sang lifted her spirit, and she couldn't help wanting to praise God!

River Valley offered me the internship so I left Kohl's gladly,(due to poor management) but at the same time I was really disappointed because I wouldn't be spending everyday with Elaina anymore, plus the other people that I had grown very close to while working at Kohl's.

But I made sure that I still kept in contact with Elaina.

Over the next couple months I began to see such a great change in her heart.
We began sharing what God was doing in our lives. 
It was so awesome to be able to call each other up and ask one another for prayer.

Our friendship has grown immensely over the past year and half.
We don't see one all the time, but we talk on the phone at least 2 times a week.

We still hang out with each other too when we can.

Wednesday night, I got a call from her.
She was sharing with me all that God has been doing for her, her cat's leg was broken so badly that the vets thought they would have to amputate it, but God miraculously healed the leg, so no amputation was needed.
She also had someone pay for the entire doctors bill for her cat. Nearly $500.
She has been going through some rough stuff, but God has been pulling her through.
Then she said that she had been thinking about baptism.
How she is ready to take the next step in her faith.  
I told her how perfect! River Valley is going to be doing baptisms next month!!!

She also said she is interested in ministry.

I am so excited to see how God is working in Elaina's heart!!
I am so excited that she wants to know him more and live for him more!

Please pray for her as she continues to live for Christ.
Pray that I will be a faithful friend. And faithful to praying for her.

I am excited to see the adventures ahead of us.

Anyways, enough of my excitement!
I just can't help be feel joy in my heart to see how God is working!

He is good.

1 comment:

shell said...

I love you
I love your heart
I loved reading this story-oh how I want my life to glorify God!!!!!
Thanks for sharing this and encouraging me today